Full Potential

Full Potential

Level 10 Your Life

How Can You Be Happier?

Happy days .. what do you do to be happy? Daily Routine: I follow a daily routine that makes me feel accomplished and happy at the end of every day. Even just crossing things out every day I have determined to be valuable, helps me feel in control of my day, disciplined and on track. … Read more

A new day has begun. What rituals are you doing every day to help optimize yourself to be the best version of you? What I haves realized is that to live your FULL Potential really means to optimize in all the important areas of life, not just one. Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Financial, Environment. … Read more

How Much Do You Enjoy Giving?

Happy Thursday. Welcome to your beautiful new day that’s unfolding. I was asked by my partner Emma what I really enjoy about giving her pleasure. And in that, I had to really think about it. I enjoy the feedback I get from her .. but she wants to know that I’m enjoying in order to … Read more

Signs of God’s Love Are Everywhere

Happy Wednesday! I started today with a deep dive with my partner Emma around generosity, love, and generous love. And how the signs of God’s love are all around us and unavoidable when we tune into it. It’s just a matter of perspective! That’s the answer to really resonating with the blessing that is life! … Read more

There Is No “Out There’

One night after meditation I felt like I was falling. It felt like I was leaving this reality behind and there was a message of, “There is no out there” coming through. I was so concerned that I might be leaving the life behind as I knew it that I stopped the process and told … Read more

May You Wake Up More As You Watch This!

https://youtu.be/RQ1i-YvFD6k Full PotentialVision: To create a self-sustaining paradise on earth where individuals and communities thrive in interconnected eco-villages, transcending the ‘monkey mind’ and connecting deeply with their true selves and the environment. Through the power of optimization, we aim to elevate every facet of life, ensuring a prosperous, fulfilling, and harmonious existence for all. fullpotential.com

How to Be Smart With All Your Resources

Being smart with how you invest your resources is the ultimate decision making that goes on day to day. And decision making is the result of evaluation. And evaluation is the process by which you determine what has the greatest value to you. This is the ultimate decision: what has the greatest value to you? … Read more

Create First Thing In The Morning

A beautiful new day. The sun is out. I will go meditate by the river. Just played the guitar and recorded a song.. you can watch it here. https://youtu.be/gnzeu5mDd4I My new focus is to focus on creation first thing in the morning, not just the normal routine. So I will play the guitar, record a … Read more

Create the Optimum Environment

Good Afternoon Full Potentialites. It’s a rainy day here in the Chirripo mountain area of Costa Rica. One of the main reasons why I remember to post here on a regular basis is that it’s part of my habit tracking endeavors. Having goals and plans is nice, but being continually reminded of their existence is … Read more
