Full Potential

Full Potential

Level 10 Your Life


Relentless positive focus Expectations Rules for life In and Out If / Then  Reward vs Pain  WILL THIS BE REWARDING? All decisions are based on will this be rewarding or will this be painful? And though we know some things can seem ‘painful’ in the short term ultimately they can be rewarding. And though some things … Read more

Focus On Love

Focus on love Loving focus Love flows through From love all good things come through I believe in love I believe love grows The more we focus on it, the more it grows Concentrating on love is the single best thing to concentrate on It blossoms like a flow It grows like a river It … Read more

Reduce Friction

Everything is in flow.The stream is already rolling. Moving from point A to point B is already happening.And like water – your energy will flow down the path of least resistance, UNLESS interrupted by a force. This force, can be your own resistance, or the resistance of the external world.As you encounter this resistance you’ll … Read more

Do Nothing Out of Fear

Normally I wake up at the crack of dawn and start doing my morning routine. I know exactly what I need to do and roughly how long it takes. I compete against myself to finish my morning routine as fast as I can or at least do as many items in a day as possible … Read more

It’s All a Choice

Choose life. Choose to wake up. Choose to seize the day. Choose to see the sunshine. The birds. The rain. The clouds. Choose to smell the air. Choose to breathe deeply. Choose to smile. Choose to see the positive. Choose to wake up. Choose to be. Choose to see. Choose to make better.Choose the best. … Read more

Your Choices Become Your Frequency

Whether you choose to doubt or believe in yourself and what you’re capable of.. it’s all a choice. The choice to believe in yourself and your ideas leads you down a path that empowers you to realize your potential. Whereas the path of doubt is also self-fulfilling, but in the opposite way. DREAM BIGWhen you … Read more

Have a Direction

It’s okay to be a little confused. But have some general direction and purpose to guide your action towards, even if its unclear right now what exactly the result might be. Good morningWelcome to this beautiful new day STARTING THE DAY OFF RIGHTStart the morning with some deep breathsStretch your bodyDo some free writing to … Read more

Strategy vs Technique

What’s the difference between having a strategy and having a technique? While a strategy is HOW you do something step by step, a technique is the WAY in which you apply it. WHY DO SOME SUCCEED WHERE OTHERS FAIL – EVEN WHEN THEY ARE USING THE SAME STRATEGY? For example everyone can have the same … Read more
