Full Potential

Full Potential

Level 10 Your Life

Full Potential.com Update — Involving YOU

You may have noticed I haven’t posted in the last couple of days. I have been considering how to best uplift, inspire and evolve all of us. And that’s to involve more of YOU. Firstly, I am going to start doing more video related content here on FP.com Secondly, please me know what you’d like … Read more

Care and Attention

The more you care about something, the more you put attention into it. Putting attention into something you care about is easy. Putting attention on something you don’t care about is hard. Life is about choosing where to put your attention. Why make it hard by forcing attention on something you don’t want to do … Read more

3 Forms of Ego

This is meant to be more of an entertaining way to understand the Ego rather than a scientific breakthrough. Me-Go: Exiting a situation. Separate from others. Translated into the feeling that “I don’t like this situation, I’m getting out of here.” We-Grow: In harmony with others. “Together we lift each other up.” Me-Show: Having something … Read more

Ego Dynamics

IT ALL STARTED WITH A TRIGGER It all started with a little trigger today. Beka Joy, my partner, came in earlier than usual (we usually sleep in separate beds). She started sharing a song she remembered from childhood. Her face became tense as she tried to remember the song. I joked, “It really seems like … Read more

What Will You Create Today

Good morning beautiful beings! Today I share with you a video and audio, as you’re positive daily dose. I’m not sure how this will show up through the automatic feeds that go out but you can find this on fullpotential.com https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/58AZeHdSNFpPBYcT6 Full PotentialVision: To create a self-sustaining paradise on earth where individuals and communities thrive … Read more

Your Positive Daily Dose: A Quick Good Morning Audio with Some Questions to Prime Focus for a Great Day!

soundcloud.com/user-194534721/good-morning-beautiful-being/s-75IrnTEA783 from Jimmy Sunheart on SoundCloud Full PotentialVision: To create a self-sustaining paradise on earth where individuals and communities thrive in interconnected eco-villages, transcending the ‘monkey mind’ and connecting deeply with their true selves and the environment. Through the power of optimization, we aim to elevate every facet of life, ensuring a prosperous, fulfilling, and … Read more

Getting into the Habit of Creative Flow

How to overcome judgement and simply produce content for the sake of expression. Let ‘good’ or ‘perfect’ arise out of continually creating. First it starts with quantity and overtime as you learn the nuances of how to create something better, you develop quality. CREATING WITHOUT JUDGEMENT As I get into a flow of creating more … Read more


Today’s post comes after yesterdays freedom rally and my curiosity to truly understand power and what drives people to become tyrannical. I woke up this morning and host a video that I’ll post here and I’ll explain it in a little more depth there. THE SPECTRUM OF POWER Basically we have this spectrum of power … Read more

Dissolving into Love

To dissolve into love is to experience the oneness that we all return to. And that in the moment is temporarily suspended in this idea of separateness so that we can carry out the illusion of getting to return home to ourselves for fun. Behind all of this and everything is love at its core … Read more
