Full Potential

Full Potential

Level 10 Your Life

How to Create a Profitable and Purposeful Life. Now and When AI Takes Over Money (Video)

how to create a profitable and purposeful life

Transcript: Hey guys, today’s positive morning share is just flowing. Coming through what I learned today, what’s flowing through very simple here is, we’re going to talk about money.  First of all, the state of your finances is really just the state of your beliefs and then what you want to look at. Is being … Read more


LOVE THE GREAT AWAKENING IS UPON US The thing we all want or need is love. But might we be so afraid of the intense experience of love that we push it away, try to protect or control and otherwise avoid it? It might seem like the greatest of all ironies, how could something so … Read more

Brain Dump All Your Thoughts

A simple way to experience more peace of mind? Brain dump all the things you are holding in your mind onto a sheet of paper or note. How it Works Write down as many thoughts and ideas as you can with no judgement. Just keep writing until you begin to feel like the same ideas … Read more

Manage Attention with Better Questions

The key to attention management is getting clear on what question the mind is asking. And then helping it. Most Thoughts Are Simply an Attempt to Answer a Question I find by observing the mind very quickly, most thoughts are just an attempt at finishing questions. If you can get to the root question being … Read more

Organization Feels Good

When one is organized, one feels order within. This orderliness feels like cleanliness. A tidy environment is a tidy mind. The effort put into organizing the physical environment, making it aesthetically pleasing, cleaner and easier to feel a sense of order.. helps to shift and shape consciousness itself. The outer world is only a reflection … Read more

Discovering Your Happiness Formula

Each new day is a blank canvas to create. How will you organize your day to get the most out of it? CAN ONLY OPTIMIZE FOR ONE THING AT A TIME There’s a theory in neurology that you can only optimize for ONE thing at a time. The brain, at least the conscious brain, can … Read more

Breakdowns Become Breakthroughs

When it feels like you are in the pit of despair, be open. It is usually when the pressure is greatest, the breakthroughs occur. Full PotentialVision: To create a self-sustaining paradise on earth where individuals and communities thrive in interconnected eco-villages, transcending the ‘monkey mind’ and connecting deeply with their true selves and the environment. … Read more

Get Your Sanity Back with an Offline System

When it comes to your mental health, more is not better. The environment is ripe with stimulus. Information is everywhere. Technology opens up unlimited possibility, which includes unlimited distraction. I have spent a great deal of time organizing my digital systems. And I keep coming back to my offline approach. It’s not that I don’t … Read more
