
Habits Playlist on Youtube & a Copy of My Habit Tracking Dashboard

Habits Playlist on Youtube & a Copy of My Habit Tracking Dashboard
Category: Blog
Date: December 22, 2021
Author: fullpotentidev

Good morning! Woke up to the sound of my son Zen needing a little extra attention this morning. And decided to fire off a blog post. Why? Because since doing a blog post is tied to the rest of my routine, I’m cued up and ready to go!

Which brings me to an important point – having a daily routine!

If you haven’t already created a daily ritual or use a habit tracker, I highly recommend it to assist you in your journey. It will CUE you to have the best day possible.

As part of my effort to assist you with your path today.. I have two gifts for you:
1) I created a little play list of videos around the concept of Habits and specifically “Atomic Habits” a book by James Clear. I find it useful to study a subject from multiple angles and perspectives to really ‘acquire’ it. I also find it’s easier to absorb more when you go deep with a single subject matter, rather than multiple random videos on different subjects.

2) And aside from acquiring and absorbing information from the playlist above, you’ll want to more importantly APPLY it. So I’m sharing my own habit tracking sheet with you (a google sheet you can just copy!)

You can study it and see how it works but here’s a basic explanation:
– In the top right area I have a score board for breathing, water, fasting etc. tracking these numerically.
– In the next sections I just put a green box next to everything I complete or simply review (for reminders)
– To make things faster I just copy and paste the green box
– I then restart the habits each day.

Note the habit tracker is just to cue you on what to do .. you can use a tool like Ticktick or Productive for habit trackers that track longer term on your phone. I honestly find it easiest after trying many habit trackers to just create a book mark to my habit tracker and call it “Habits” that way when I’m on my browser and most tempted to get distracted, I always anchor back to my habit list and move forward on filling out those green boxes, which is strangely satisfying.

Let me know if you have any questions on the playlist or how the habit tracker works. The important point here is that HABITS can transform your life.. and combining your knowledge of habits with a habit tracker will have the greatest positive benefit on your life if you simply apply it!

Take what I’ve created and simplify or improve upon it however you want. I’d love to see how you evolve it so please do feel free to share with me at james AT

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