
The Full Potential Daily Dose

The Full Potential Daily Dose
Category: Blog
Date: October 6, 2021
Author: fullpotentidev

A new positive post daily.
The Full Potential Daily Dose.

Why do I do it?

First it helps me feel purposeful.
Second it brings more out of me.
Third it feels like the right thing to do.
Fourth it feels like the people who find it will find value in it.
Fifth it helps me organize my own ideas, helping me in the process.

Who reads it?
Right now a handful of people who come to the web site, on facebook and through my newsletter (I have about 500 on the newsletter with about 60 people or so who regularly read it.) People that want to improve their lives. And improve the lives of people they influence.

Why should people read it?
Because it’s literally my best downloads being channeled to me right now in the form of writing. I’ve written over 7 books , started multiple successful companies, read thousands of books and interviewed hundreds of experts on Full Potential living & success. I try to make my writings as condense and clear as possible. Remove all the fluff and simplify it as much as possible. I think its pound for pound some of the most valuable content on the internet if people take the time to read it, absorb it and use it.

What is today’s post about?
It’s connecting with the reader on the level of VALUE . Why I do what I do and getting clear on who might benefit from what I do. As a practice, this is good for every person to do in their work – get clear on why they do what they do and who is going to benefit the most from what they do. Then let the market or audience or whoever you’re trying to reach -decide if indeed they do find it valuable.


I think one of the most important things to get over in today’s age is the fact that popularity doesn’t equal value. Nor does lack of popularity. In fact, I’m willing to bet there are more masterpieces of content that lack good marketing or sales than there is fluffy content floating around on popular channels.

Part of my quest with Full Potential is to start uncovering this content and sharing it with the world. I believe that creators feel a deeper sense of meaning in their work when they know it IS impacting others and HOW its impacting others.

Creating for the joy of it is one thing.. but then to actually see the reactions from others is ALSO part of the creation process. I would like to move beyond the art of getting likes, hearts or follows and do more live performances as that for me is one of the most impactful and meaningful ways to get my true expression out and get real time feedback.

There’s nothing quite like a live audience!

If you’re reading this today what I hope you take away from this is:
1 – The value you bring to the world
2 – Who it’s for
3 – The method’s you’re most excited about for bringing your creation to the world.

And just remind you not to get caught up in popularity, likes or other artificial feedback mechanisms when you value your own work and worth. The worth of your work is what it means to you .. and even just one deeply impacted Soul is worth more than a 1,000 superficial likes or going viral.

Remember that it’s about depth and impact before it’s about reach. And keep plugging away because it’s joyful and meaningful to you. That’s what I’m doing. That’s what creators do. *smile*

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