Hello Full Potential Beings! Good morning and thanks for being here.
A new day is just starting here in the mountains of Chirripo and its still quite cold. The sun is just starting to peak over the ridge. I am thankful to be alive. Able to write to you and share what’s in my heart and mind. To help you realize your own full potential.
Anything you are going to do in life really requires starting with the right frame, or the right perception. And the ultimate frame is the one through which you see yourself.

Today is a new day yes. But if you use an old frame to see yourself, which is likely – because it becomes reinforced daily unless you do something different, your day won’t likely be significantly different.

If the environment shifts so drastically that you can no longer entertain the old version of you, you will be forced to shift. OR if you shift what you do so drastically (by changing environments usually), you will have accomplished the same thing. A dramatic shift in environment usually precedes a dramatic shift in the way you see yourself.
1 – Changing the way you see yourself often requires changing what you do, the environment in which you do it, or both.

Look at your situation now and ask yourself what could be better.
What would you do differently if you saw yourself as a creative genius with all the answers?
So how do you see yourself now?
How do you want to see yourself?
How can you shift your environment to support this new version of you? How can you shift what you do today to support this new version of you? How long do you think it will take before you ‘accept’ this new identity?
Are you willing to experiment and explore with this dream and change the environment as well as change yourself to become closer to your ideal? Isn’t shifting the perception of self, and the environment, how you create a dream life?
AI Perspective
As part of using AI to it’s Full Potential, I copied and pasted this post into Chat GPT to see how it would answer the questions and support you in the journey, here’s what it said:

Thank you for your questions! Self-reflection and introspection are important steps towards personal growth and development. By changing the way we see ourselves, we can change our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, which can then lead to a more fulfilling life.
- How do you see yourself now? This is a subjective question, and only you can answer it. However, it’s important to be honest with yourself about your current self-perception and identify any limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns that may be holding you back.
- How do you want to see yourself? This question is about setting your aspirations and defining your ideal self-image. What are your strengths, values, and qualities that you want to embody? What qualities do you want to develop further?
- How can you shift your environment to support this new version of you? You can surround yourself with supportive people, seek out new experiences, and engage in activities that align with your values and aspirations. By doing so, you can create an environment that fosters growth and encourages you to embrace your new self-image.
- How can you shift what you do today to support this new version of you? By taking small steps towards your aspirations, you can begin to reinforce your new self-image. This may involve taking on new responsibilities, learning new skills, or engaging in self-care practices.
- How long do you think it will take before you ‘accept’ this new identity? The time it takes to fully embrace a new self-image can vary, as it depends on several factors such as your mindset, support system, and the steps you take towards reinforcing your new self-image. However, it’s important to be patient and persistent in your efforts, as the process of self-transformation can take time.
- Are you willing to experiment and explore with this dream and change the environment as well as change yourself to become closer to your ideal? Only you can answer this question, as it requires a commitment to personal growth and self-discovery. However, if you are willing to put in the effort, the process of shifting your self-perception and environment can be a rewarding and transformative experience.
In conclusion, changing the way you see yourself often requires a combination of changes to your environment and your own behaviors and beliefs. By setting your aspirations and taking steps towards reinforcing a new self-image, you can create a fulfilling and meaningful life.