Choose life. Choose to wake up. Choose to seize the day.
Choose to see the sunshine. The birds. The rain. The clouds.
Choose to smell the air. Choose to breathe deeply.
Choose to smile. Choose to see the positive.
Choose to wake up. Choose to be.
Choose to see. Choose to make better.
Choose the best. Choose freedom.
Choose the right. Choose what’s best for everybody.
Choose what feels lighter and brighter.
Choose hope.
Choose to see the best in others
Choose to be open.
Choose to feel. Choose to heal.
Choose to take risks.
Choose to enjoy the process.
Choose to honest. Choose to be in integrity Choose to honor your commitments.
Choose to learn & grow.
Chose to connect.
Choose to believe.
Choose to honor yourself.
Choose the highest principle. The highest philosophy. The highest way.
Choose the highest morality, for you.
Choose the highest discipline, to feel powerful.
Choose to take on the most challenge, for the fun of it.
Choose to focus on the highest value for you & others.
Choose to purify.
Choose to have fun.
Choose to be full of life.
Choose to dream.
Choose to practice.
Choose to grow. Choose to blossom.
Choose to be of service.
Choose to make this life count.
1 Comment
Your Choices Become Your Frequency - Full Potential
[…] you choose to doubt or believe in yourself and what you’re capable of.. it’s all a choice. The choice to believe in yourself and your ideas leads you down a path that empowers you to […]