The Daily Full Potential

Realizing Your Full Potential: The Power of Doing Less

In a highly stimulating world, the idea of conserving energy and doing less can seem counterintuitive. However, it’s through relaxation and conscious awareness that we unlock our true potential. This blog post explores how shifting our mindset and language can transform our experience and enhance our ability to create and thrive. The Alpha State and … Read more


Embracing Loss: The Path Back to Source

As we wake each morning, we are often met with thoughts about the fleeting nature of our existence. Loss, endings, and the impermanence of all things can weigh heavily on our minds. Yet, within these reflections lies a profound truth about who we are, where we come from, and the ultimate journey we are on. … Read more


Overcoming Self-Imposed Constraints to Realize Your Full Potential

In my journey to realizing my full potential and helping others do the same, I’ve discovered a fundamental truth: often, the biggest obstacle to achieving our dreams is ourselves. Despite the plethora of tools, information, and resources available, many of us fail to utilize them effectively due to self-imposed constraints. Recognizing and overcoming these internal … Read more


Realizing Your Full Potential: From Safety to Expansion

Realizing Your Full Potential: From Safety to Expansion Embarking on a journey to realize your full potential is both exciting and challenging. It requires careful planning, organization, and a clear understanding of your goals. Here’s how I’m organizing my path from where I am to where I’m supposed to be, and how you can do … Read more


Step into Your New Body: A Holistic Journey of Transformation

Embarking on a journey to realize your full potential begins with small, intentional steps. One of the most powerful ways to start is by stepping into your new body, beginning with a full-body workout that focuses on each part of your body. This approach not only helps you physically but also fosters a deeper connection … Read more


Attention Guarding: A Key to Realizing Your Full Potential

In today’s world, guarding your attention is more crucial than ever. With countless distractions vying for our focus, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. By consistently observing where your attention goes and swiftly bringing it back under control, you can maintain clarity and focus on your goals. Here are some reflections and … Read more


Embracing Pain: A Pathway to Love and Personal Growth

Introduction Relationships often illuminate profound truths about ourselves and the world. One such revelation is our relationship with pain. The more we try to avoid pain, the more we reject our partners when we feel hurt. This avoidance not only harms our relationships but also hinders our personal growth. Understanding and embracing pain can transform … Read more


Embrace the Power of Creation: Start Now and Evolve

In the realm of creativity, there exists a transformative power in simply beginning. It’s about initiating the act of creation with the energy you have, no matter how small or unpolished the start may be. When we take action, we set into motion a chain of events that leads to evolution, optimization, and ultimately, creation … Read more


Embracing the Present Moment: Finding Joy in Being Alive

Today, I am present. I am here. I am alive, and I am enjoying this beautiful life. There is a profound sense of peace in recognizing the goodness of this moment. From the vast nothingness, I have emerged to experience something unique and special. I might be nothing, yet I am experiencing something extraordinary right … Read more


The Art of De-escalation: Navigating Conflicts with Grace and Compassion

Conflict is an inevitable part of any relationship, but the way we handle it can make all the difference. De-escalation communication is a powerful tool that allows us to navigate conflicts with grace and compassion. By listening fully, avoiding the need to be right, and understanding the deeper roots of emotional eruptions, we can foster … Read more


Why we exist: was created to help you realize your Full Potential - whatever that means for you. In the 7 major areas of life: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social, Emotional, Financial and Environment.
We are building a network, a directory, a currency, courses, content and off-line community dedicated to helping humans evolve.   We about to release the Cora Nation app, that will connect communities and people that are ready to be part of a new system of human cooperation.

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Get ready to transform with my 7 Day FREE (Gifted) E-Course on How to Unleash Your Full Potential. Details below on what we'll cover.
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"James Rick & Full Potential shows you how to get more out of your life than you ever thought possible." - Brian Tracy
The Things We’ll Be Covering in the (FREE / GIFTED) Unleash Your Full Potential 7 Day Course
~Desire~ - The motivating force behind behavior (drive) (needs vs wants)
~Philosophy~ - The way of looking at things (observer) (paradigm)
~Beliefs~ - Rules for the way things work (story) (intelligence) (facts vs assumptions) (expectations vs agreements) (objective vs subjective) (truth)
~Repetition~ - When the new becomes familiar and easier to accept (hypnosis) (programming)
~State~ - Level and quality of energy to create or respond in any given moment (physiology) (focus) (meaning) (questions)
~Strategy~ - Set of organized actions to most efficiently achieve an end result. (Plan) (checklist) (process)
~Modeling~ - A strategy for acquiring strategies (coaching) (education)
~Decisions~ - Commitment to a way, path or thought (choices)
~Discipline~ - The will or resolve to see a choice through (Will power)
~Actions~ - The motion of follow through in material form (behavior)
~Desire~ - The motivating force behind behavior (drive) (needs vs wants)
~Values~ - What one determines has value based on beliefs.
~Purpose:~ The reason for doing something. (Why) (Mission)
~Philosophy~ - The way of looking at things (observer) (paradigm)
~State~ - Level of energy to create or respond in any given moment (physiology) (focus) (meaning) (questions)
~Discipline~ - The will or resolve to see a decision through (will power)
~Strategy~ - Set of organized actions to most efficiently achieve an end result. (Plan) (checklist) (process)
~Modeling~ - A strategy for acquiring strategies (coaching) (education)
~Actions~ - The motion of follow through in material form (behavior)
~Beliefs~ - Rules for the way things work (story) (morals) (intelligence) (facts vs assumptions) (expectations vs agreements) (objective vs subjective) (truth)
~Vision~ - What one sees presently in the mind. (Past: Memory) (Present: observation) (Future: Imagination)
Results - The effect of all previous actions seen / unseen (cause & effect) (consequences) (conscious / subconscious)
~Repetition~ - When the new becomes familiar and easier to accept (hypnosis) (programming)
~Habits~ - A repetitive action or thought that gets taken over by the subconscious as a reliable way of meeting needs.
~Identity~: The vision or belief of who or what one is in relation to the world it considers itself separate from. (self) (ego)
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