Full Potential

Full Potential

Level 10 Your Life

Morning Meditation: Untangling the Mind

This morning, I’ve been meditating regularly, and it feels good. My routine today includes priming, praying, and blogging later. Establishing a morning routine is crucial for me. Waking up and clearing the mind, allowing it to settle through being present, sets a positive tone for the day.

I’ve realized that the mind will untangle itself if I stop constantly engaging with it. It’s essential to know when to put the mind down and when to pick it up, much like using a phone. This practice can be the basis for a blog post, but the essence is simple: stop using the mind so actively.

The technique is straightforward, yet challenging for the mind. Just breathe in and say, “I’m right here, right now,” then breathe out and repeat, “I’m right here, right now.” Returning to your breath and presence allows the mind to work itself out. Whether walking or sitting in meditation, not engaging with the mind for periods of time helps it untangle naturally.

This approach emphasizes the simplicity of being present and letting the mind settle on its own. It’s a practice worth sharing and integrating into daily life for mental clarity and peace.
